
SummaryBONN is a six-part political thriller. Set against the backdrop of a stirring and dramatic family story, the series recounts the rise of the young Federal Republic between the terror of World War II and the return to everyday life amid two rival German secret services.
DirectorClaudia Garde
Executive ProducerPhilip Voges
ProducerFabian Winkelmann
ProductionOdeon Fiction GmbH in cooperation with Wilma Film (Prague), commissioned by ARD-Gemeinschaftsredaktion Series in the main evening programme for Das Erste.
World SalesLeonine Studios
Commissioning Editor / BroadcasterGötz Vogt (WDR)
Main CastMercedes Müller, Max Riemelt, Sebastian Blomberg, Juergen Maurer, Martin Wuttke, Katharina Marie Schubert
ScriptClaudia Garde (head author), Martin Rehbock, Peter Furrer | based on an idea by Gerrit Hermans
Years of production2021-22

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